Kathryn Zimmerman is a quilter, show competitor, certified judge, teacher and presenter with 20+ years experience. Her quilts have won Best of Shows and featured in American Quilters Society’s publications. In 2022 she completed the National Association Quilt Judges certification program.
Kathryn has judged large quilt shows of over 100 quilts in the Southeast area as well as smaller judging engagements. She has served in various capacities on the judging floor for the Asheville Quilt show and ran the judging floor for their 2022 show which displayed 298 quilts for judging. She has observed and worked with Scott Murkin, Lorraine Covington, Beverly Fine and others.
Her past professional career was in public school teaching and administration and continues to offer lectures on quilting, workshops and judging. Currently, she lives with her husband on a 60 acre century farm, hoping to keep this property for future family generations.
We are very happy to announce that Kathryn will be our quilt judge for the 2024 Cobblestone Quilt Show in March. We are looking forward to her expertise!